MetadataThis section provides information about 'TemporalWholePart'.
A <TemporalWholePart> is a <CompositionOfIndividual> that indicates that one <PossibleIndividual> is a temporal part of another <PossibleIndividual>. The spatial extent of the temporal part is that of the temporal whole for the period of the existence of the temporal part. <Relationship>s that apply to the whole <PossibleIndividual> also apply to the temporal parts of the <PossibleIndividual>, except when the relationships relate to the temporal nature of the whole. So if a <PossibleIndividual> is connected so are all its temporal parts, but being a <WholeLifeIndividual> is not inherited by its temporal parts. NOTE Since <TemporalWholePart> is transitive (inherited from its supertype) a hierarchy of temporal parts is possible, with a <WholeLifeIndividual> at the top
AlignmentThis section lists the most specific P2-superclasses of 'TemporalWholePart' together with an alignment with corresponding classes in P14, if available.